Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Visual Narration of Cupid and Psyche Essay - 1100 Words

Visual Narration of Cupid and Psyche (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Tutor:Course:Date:Visual Narration of Cupid and PsycheNeoclassicism is an artistic style that gained popularity in the late 18th century. It was fueled by a desire to reject the existing Rococo and Baroque art forms. Neoclassic art was founded on the need to address moral ideas such as justice, patriotism, loyalty and honor. Intellectual enlightenment during the French Revolution is one of the critical factors that led to the emergence of neoclassicism; art founded on rebellion.David-Louis Jacques was one of the most important painters in Europe during this delicate period of upheaval and change. He was born into a prosperous, bourgeoisie family in 1748 and begun training in art with a distant relative, then proceeded to the prestigious Academie Royale. His paintings presented a radical shift from the previous forms of art and engaged the moral conscience of his audience. Davidà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s method of art involved great detail, repetition and dramatic effects. The aim of this paper is to create a visual narrative that relates David-Louis Jacquesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ painting of Cupid and Psyche and the story in Lucius Apuleius's Golden Ass.The story of Cupid and Psyche is a popular Greek mythological fable that explores the themes of love, betrayal, jealousy, wandering, revival and compassion. The Golden Ass explains it as a case of rape breading familiarity, and then blossoming to love. Whichever the case, the story of Cupid and Psyche has transcended the borders of time to become of the most popular Greek fables. In modern society, images of Cupid and Psyche are a representation of everlasting love.In the Golden ass, the Greek fable is more about the story of Psyche. It is the story of a girlà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s transition from maidenhood to womanhood; the story of a jealous goddess, the blossoming love between an immortal god and a mortal girl, deception, punishment, death and revival into immortality. In order to understand Jacquesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ painting, it is important to have a brief summary of the fable.Psyche was born of the union between her mother, Queen Endelechia and Apollo. She had two older sisters who took care of her as a baby. Psyche grew into a beautiful woman, and attracted a lot of suitors. Her beauty was unrivalled on earth, and people from neighboring kingdoms came to worship her. This infuriated Venus, the goddess of love and by far the most beautiful creature in heaven and earth. Venus ordered her son Cupid to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with an ugly monster. Cupid descended to earth ready to grant his motherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s wishes, but instead fell in love with Psyche.After losing favor with Venus, Psyche could not find a suitor to marry her in spite of her great beauty. Her parents consulted Apollo the great oracle, and he replied that she would fall in love with a monster on top of a mountain. Undeterred by the dreadful news, Psyche bid her parents to take her to the mountain to find love. At the top of the mountain, a gentle zephyr blew Psyche to a magical garden where a magnificent palace stood. She ventured into the palace, and a gentle voice told her that would be her new home. Unbeknown to Psyche, this was the palace of Cupid, who had gone against Venusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ orders and decided to keep Psyche for himself.Cupid went to visit Psyche in her chambers deep in the night and raped her. Over the course of time, the couple grew acquainted and fell in love. The only condition was that Psyche was never allowed to see Cupid, since he only visited her at night. At first, the maiden was quite pleased with this arrangement until her sisters poisoned her mind out of jealousy. They beseeched her to find out the true identity of her lover. Psyche went against the orders of Cupid and brought a lamp and knife in the middle of the night. In the process, she dropped hot oil on his shoulders and scathed him severely. Angered by her actions, Cupid flew back to the heavens leaving Psyche in shock and despair.Venus was infuriated by these events, and decided to punish Psyche by bestowing upon her perilous labors. Psyche, through the secret help of compassionate gods, managed to complete all tasks given by Venus. Nonetheless, she failed her final task and died. Cupid recovered from his wound, and was deeply saddened by what had transpired in his absence. He went to Zeus, King of the Gods and prayed for his loverà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s revival. Zeus granted his wish by giving Psyche a glass of ambrosia; a life-giving drink that made her immortal and forever tied to Cupid through marriage.David-Louis Jacquesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ painting à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Cupid and Psycheà ¢...

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